08 Feb

Insight Number One
Learning from your competitors is an important business strategy

During periods of uncertainty, law firms must be adept at learning how to implement new ideas. Firms that thrive in uncertain times are those that are quick to read and act on signals of change. One of the easiest way to achieve this is by listening and learning from other law firms. The evolving nature of the African legal services landscape means that competitors should not just be defined as those within your immediate domestic market but also those beyond the borders. On that basis we encourage you to join us for our next LGC Pulse interview which will take place on 17th February 2021. During the session we will be speaking to Kieti Advocates LLP a boutique law firm in Nairobi who have in a very short period of time established themselves as leaders in the Kenyan legal services. Join us and gain insights into some of the marketing tools they have applied to achieve their growth. To register for the session click here or visit our LGC Pulse library to access our previous free marketing insight interviews. 

Insight Number Two

Your digital presence & persona matter now more than ever

In a world that is more digitally connected, the need to manage and optimize your professional digital activities matters more than ever before. Statistics clearly show that whilst many previously normal activities might be restricted during the Covid19 pandemic internet usage has experienced a dramatic spike. Clients and prospects now have even more time and opportunity to research, compare lawyers and their firms through online investigation. Now more than ever broken online links, unimaginative content, non existent social media activity, out of date imagery and even inconsistent legal directory references all impact the perception of your legal practice,  And yet very few African law firms are investing what would seem to be obvious effort and energy undertaking much needed analysis and due diligence of their existing online assets. Whilst not every firm might has the internal resource to conduct a thorough online audit, every firm must find ways to prioritise being more aware of their online appearance. As part of LGC's commitment to supporting growing legal practices across Africa, we regularly conduct online profile & presence audits for interested law firms. This involves a thorough review & assessment of your digital marketing assets to help provide you with detailed insight into what the outside world sees when they locate you online. The audit is accompanied by a comprehensive report, proposed improvements and some practical quick wins. Firms who book an audit before 28th February 2021 will automatically benefit from a gateway discount. Contact us at info@lareinegold.com to find out more.

Insight Number Three

Legal research directories are only worth it if you are committed to doing them properly

Legal directories can be a viable supplemental source of leads, or an important point of reinforcement for existing leads and clients for some lawyers, particularly in 'unfamiliar' jurisdictions of which the African continent is sometimes considered one. Evidence suggests that directories are often used by clients to generate a shortlist of advisors, to validate an existing selection of law firms or even to act as a ‘tie breaker’ in the event that it’s hard to differentiate between two competing firms. That notwithstanding in many cases a surprising number law firms across Africa fail to invest the requisite time, effort and resource needed to properly leverage the unique opportunity presented by the directory process. Submissions are often completed in haste with little regard for key success ingredients like deal selection, referee management and even without the guidance of those expert in directory management. No other organisation provides law firms with as much third-party endorsement as the directories and yet some firms simply pay no attention to them at all. A properly considered and executed legal directory process is an efficient year long, multi year endeavour of which meet the submission deadline is just one milestone. Why not speak to us about how you can achieve greater efficiency and get more out of the legal directory process? Feel free to contact us at info@lareinegold.com about how we can support your current legal directory submission.

Click here to watch a short excerpt from our LGC Deconstructing Directories Masterclass. To learn more about the programme or enquire about future training dates, please contact eventmanager@lareinegold.com

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